Need a word for 2025…

Help! No that’s not it. But I don’t have one yet!
I’m writing this on the first day of 2025. I’m going to be honest, I don’t know about you, but nothing much feels as if it’s changed overnight minus that I have to write a 5 instead of a 4.
In fact, I was in bed by 9:30 on New Year’s Eve and asleep by around 10:15 p.m. I didn’t wake up until around 8:30 a.m., which meant an unheard of amount of sleep for me.
I haven’t figured out what my word or phrase for 2025 is yet, but I know 2025 is going to be a big year. First, I hit two publication milestones: my 30th book with Harlequin in July and my 25th anniversary as a published author in October. In addition, I’ll reach a milestone birthday. So does my older daughter, who will have also been married five years in 2025. Here we are in September, after I met her in Tampa for a conference. We were both about to fly home to our respective cities.

In fact, my two daughters haven’t been together on a trip since 2015, so 10 years ago. We’re right now planning a vacation for all of us, and including my son-in-law. My younger daughter and I spent Christmas in Chicago. Here we are at the Christmas tree at the Water Tower.

I cannot wait until my girls and I are all together again, so I’m ready to see what 2025 has in store.
If you think of a good word for phrase for my year for 2025, will you please let me know? I need all the suggestions I can get.
Best wishes to you for a prosperous 2025. Cheers!