All’s Fair in Love and Wine (Love in the Valley Book 2)

some memories don’t age well.
Unexpectedly back in town, Jack Clayton acted as if he’d never crushed Sierra James’s teenage heart. When he offered to buy her family’s vineyard, the former navy lieutenant knew Jack was turning on the charm, hoping to win her over. No way would Sierra melt for him again; she was ready for battle. But would denying what she still felt for Jack prove to be a victory she could savor?
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- Publisher : Harlequin Special Edition; Original edition (March 28, 2023)
- Language : English
- Mass Market Paperback : 288 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1335724591one
- ISBN-13 : 978-1335724595
- Item Weight : 4.8 ounces
- Dimensions : 4.19 x 0.72 x 6.63 inches
Second chances
Good second chance romance. When Sierra and Jack were in high school, Sierra was Jack’s math tutor, even though she was younger. He had a big crush on her, and just before his family moved away, he asked her to the high school dance. And though she liked him too, when she learned of some shenanigans related to the date, she turned him down flat. What she heard broke her heart, and she’s never forgotten or forgiven him.
After a devastating crash in her fighter, Sierra left the Navy and returned home to try to rebuild her life. She helps her sister in the family bakery and helps at the family winery. She also helps look after her father, who has early-onset Alzheimer’s. She has a new job lined up after the new year that will allow her to continue her service to the military and use her mathematical abilities. Jack Clayton is the last person she expects to see walk into the bakery.
Jack is happy to see Sierra again, even though she broke his heart when she refused his invitation. His family’s company has big plans in the area, and he hopes to spend time with her. Her continuing anger over the dance confuses him, but that doesn’t stop his flirting. When Sierra finds out he’s buying up the local wineries and is after her family’s winery, she sees red and blasts him. Undeterred, Jack challenges her to let him show her the changes and the plans.
Underneath Sierra’s antagonism is the realization that she is attracted to him. She’s determined not to fall under the spell of “Jerk” Clayton again. But while spending time together, she sees another side of him, and her heart is soon in danger. She knows they have no future, as her life is in Missouri, and he will eventually return to Oregon. Meanwhile, as Jack gets to know Sierra and spends some time with her family, he is torn between business and pleasure. He needs the James winery to complete his plans, but he knows Sierra is adamantly against selling, especially to him.
I ached for Sierra and Jack when the process was hijacked. The timing was especially awkward, though it helped open Jack’s eyes to the depth of his feelings for Sierra. Sierra feels blindsided by Jack and is left feeling used. She’s no shrinking violet in the face of what she feels is a betrayal and sets out to make her feelings known. I loved seeing her in action, even though it didn’t change the outcome. I loved the effect on Jack and seeing how her example gave him the courage to stand up to his father. Jack refused to give up and went after what he wanted. The ending was sweet and emotional. I hope to see more of them in the next book (about Sierra’s sister, Zoe) and see how their love progresses.
It was lovely to read a book that takes place in the Midwest. With so many set in Montana, Texas, or other western states, it’s nice to experience other locations. I’d love to see more variety on a regular basis. I remember when the Harlequin American line started there was more diversity in the locations.
Love it
Great story. Plot is well done – not a cheesy romance.
Read an Excerpt
Chapter One
Cake flour. Brown sugar. Softened butter. Chocolate chips. A top-secret family recipe known to a rare few trustworthy souls. Funny how, even after years of flying fighter jets, the step-by-step directions remained as routine as a preflight checklist. Taking comfort in the task’s familiarity, Sierra James opened the commercial refrigerator and removed a metal sheet covered with a dozen chocolate chip cookies, all formed with slightly hollowed out centers. Into each depression she dropped a #40 scoop full of chilled batter, until all twelve cookies mimicked the shape of tiny sombreros created from delicious dough.
She put the current batch into oven three. After she set the timer for ten minutes, the oven to her left chimed. When she pulled on the handle, oven two blasted out 375-degree heat and sent an aroma of melted chocolate wafting to her nose. She removed the cookie sheet. Once she set that on a rack to cool, she started the entire process over, using the same steps her grandmother had taught her daughter, Sierra’s mom—who’d showed them to Sierra and her younger sister, Zoe. It had been Zoe’s dream to follow in her mom’s footsteps and be next generation to own the store, and Sierra was glad of it. She’d help out, like she was doing today, but that was enough for her. She’d followed her dad and gone into the Navy.
Tradition meant quality, even if baking this way was slow and cumbersome. Six wall ovens ran simultaneously, baking the two-inch-high chocolate chip cookies that had made Auntie Jayne’s Cookies world famous. Some in town would say the store had helped to put Beaumont’s historic Main Street on the map. Sierra agreed cookies were a tastier draw than the riverside town that had hosted Lewis and Clark’s expedition, or the Woman in White, the town’s resident ghost and current star of this month’s Halloween ghost tours. She’d been sighted for hundreds of years wandering along several blocks of Main Street, including this one. However, Sierra had never seen the famous spirit, nor had her sister, Zoe.
Sierra didn’t necessarily believe in ghosts, even if she had seen some strange things while flying. But it was cookies that commanded her attention today, not unexplainable atmospheric disturbances. Since she’d had a free Saturday afternoon—when lately did she not?—she scooped more dough, satisfied she’d prepared it correctly.
Like life, baking could be unpredictable and temperamental. The dough might not rise correctly for any number of reasons, including Missouri’s fluctuating humidity or a slight temperature differential inside the oven. One or two degrees this way or that could ruin an entire batch. But Sierra enjoyed the challenge of beating the odds. Besides, there was something about creating the cookies the old-fashioned way, or crafting them with love as her mom said. It soothed a weary soul, and Sierra’s could use all the help it could get.
Sierra stirred M&M candies into sugar cookie dough, moving the lever of the commercial stand mixer to speed four. The dough spun, thumped into submission and decadent deliciousness. No wonder her mom called baking therapy. The routine kept Sierra calm and stopped her from climbing the walls as she figured out her next steps. And there was the benefit of a tangible and tasty result.
At age thirty, she hadn’t thought her career choices included baking cookies in her childhood hometown or working at her family’s winery, but here she was. After the crash that ended her career, she’d had nowhere else to go, proverbial tail between her legs.
As a child, she’d loved living here and listening to her dad’s tales of flying fighter jets over the ocean. Beaumont, though, was located in the center of the Midwest, hundreds of miles from the closest ocean shore. The Gulf of Mexico was twelve hours south down Interstate 55 or ninety minutes flight time. Sierra’s zodiac sign—and her soul—demanded she be by water, and the older she grew, the more the Missouri River, rolling along two short blocks to the east of the store, failed to feed Sierra’s soul. For her, the Emerald Coast had been paradise.
On a clear day, she’d fly her jet toward where water met sky, the greens and blues merging along the horizon, at that point where the only way to know which way was right side up was via instrumentation. Flying meant freedom and infinity. That moment, where one element started and the other began, that was when a navy pilot was master of her instruments and destiny. That life had been glorious.
Using more force than necessary, Sierra shoved the mixer lever into the off position. Those heady, deliberate days were done. They’d crashed and burned in a brilliant, blazing fireball that had lit up the Alabama night sky and brought bright orange daylight to a farmer’s blackened field.
She lifted the bowl containing the cookie dough and held it tightly to her apron-covered chest, the pressure stopping her body’s desire to sit down. Inhaling deeply, Sierra concentrated on the task in front of her: grab a fresh scoop. Dip it into the bowl, then drop the cookie dough onto parchment paper. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Calmer, Sierra put the M&M’s candy cookies into an oven, set the timer and began laying out another sheet of parchment paper. Like a phoenix, she’d rise from the literal ashes. Returning to her childhood hometown had seemed a logical choice. Thankfully the well-meaning townsfolk, who knew her dream had died in the wreckage, had stopped giving her sympathetic smiles.
“Hey, Sierra!” Zoe hollered from the front room where she served customers. “We need more sprinkles and chips.”
“Be right out.” Sierra glanced at the digital display ticking down—she had plenty of time to refill the display cases before the cookies needed removing. She swapped out her plastic food-service gloves for a fresh pair. She opened the airtight storage container and removed a previously prepped display tray. Sugar cookies with sprinkles were a perennial favorite of younger kids, like Sierra’s seven-year-old niece, Megan, and Megan’s best friend, Anna Thornburg. In high school, Sierra had been a year behind Anna’s dad, Luke. Luke had married his former high school sweetheart, Shelby, a few weeks ago. Shelby and Sierra had taken flying lessons together before the global adventure photographer had moved to Seattle for college. Now she was back permanently, and the town was delighted the two lovebirds had finally reunited after twelve years apart.
The only thing Sierra wanted to be reunited with was her plane.
But instead of doing loops in her navy-issued T-6B, she shuttled between her mom’s cookie store and her dad’s vineyard. The words honorable discharge tormented her—the papers finalized three months ago, a full year after the accident that clipped her wings. Navy Lieutenant Sierra James was no longer a flight instructor, but rather a civilian with PTSD that often kept her awake at night. When Luke and Shelby climbed into a hot-air balloon during Beaumont’s annual balloon race the last weekend in September, Sierra had suffered a panic attack and needed to leave. The incident, only a few weeks old, remained another ugly reminder of Sierra’s failings.
“Sierra!” Zoe yelled, her urging more insistent.
“Coming!” Irritated by how much her reflexes had dulled since arriving home, Sierra double-fisted two trays through the swinging door and into the front room. About eight people queued in a loose line, waiting for their turn to reach the counter. Two groups, Sierra assessed. Three minutes wait for each, at most. Her sister moved aside and Sierra traded the empty tray of chocolate chip cookies for a fresh, full one. She was in the process of swapping out the sprinkle cookies located on the bottom shelf of the glass display case when she heard a deep, masculine voice calling her name.
“Sierra? Is that you?”
Sierra lifted her hairnet-covered head and peered over the upper shelf. Only years of military training kept her eyes from widening in shock.
Jerk Clayton was standing in her store.